
Fish handling with care by Optimar

Optimar contribute to sustainable food production, by enabling our

customers to process fish more efficiently and with higher quality.


Latest news

Optimar and Slippurinn Akureyeri are strengthening their collaboration with a strategic partnership to enhance their position in both domestic and international markets. This alliance will create new opportunities for both companies and their customers.

Team Optimar is happy to participate in the North Atlantic Seafood Forum 2025 in Bergen! Three of our experts will take the stage to share insights on innovative solutions, industry trends, and responsible resource management that drive the future of seafood processing.

Servicebåten til Finnsnes Dykk & Anleggservice er for tiden er under bygging hos Fitjar Mekaniske Verksted. Den skal leveres i august. Fartøyet utrustes med bløggeanlegg fra Optimar, melder selskapet i en pressemelding. Båten er utstyrt med to fisketanker på til sammen 115 kubikk.