Upgrade & Modifications
It is important to us that you get the most out of your investments. We can perform an assessment of your facility, evaluate upgrade possibilities, and explore potential modifications to increase quality, efficiency, and uptime.
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Facility Inspection

Optimar offers a full review of your factory and equipment, to identify opportunities for improvements, upgrades, or increase the use of digital solutions. This service is a bespoke service based on your needs - where we send our best technicians to inspect your installations. We also offer solutions to improve your operations, spare part packages, or new products.

Our products and solutions are made to stand the test of time. However, innovation is a continuous process. There are many opportunities to upgrade existing installations with the latest technology and smart solutions along the way. Together with our customers, we identify the best cost-benefit in upgrading the equipment you already have invested in - so that it lasts longer and operate more efficiently.

Sometimes small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in efficiency. We recommend physical alterations to improve operations, alongside custom - made modifications - so your equipment works to your specific requirements. Our technicians are ready to partner up with you and proactively suggest improvements to your installations.