Optilce for delicing

Alsaker Fjordbruk’s new wellboat is delivered with the biggest Optilicer yet

august 17, 2021

Alsaker Fjordbruk’s new wellboat, Kristoffer Tronds, is delivered. The vessel is 297,6 feet long and the first of its kind to handle transportation, de-licing, heat treatment and sorting of the fish onboard. No wonder this huge vessel houses the biggest Optilicer yet. 

 – We have good experience with Optilicer from a previous vessel and Optimar was the supplier capable of delivering the capacity we were looking for, Operation Manager in Alsaker Fjordbruk Hans Helge Vik explains.

– Kristoffer Tronds was the largest wellboat in the world when they started the planning. Of course the Optilicer had to be the biggest one in the world too. We call it Optilicer Ultra, Sales Manager in Optimar Per Vidar Lange says.

A bigger diameter and record high capacity demands innovative thinking and smart design. The Optilicer Ultra onboard Kristoffer Tronds handles 600 tons of fish every hour, which is twice as much as the original Optilicer.


A more sustainable thermal de-licing process

– We do continuous improvements on all our Optilicers when it comes to both fish health and hygiene. The results we see today makes the whole team proud, Lange tells us.

– The Optilicer delivered to Kristoffer Tronds also uses a RSW-system, which makes it possible to use refrigerated sea water to cool down the tanks. The recovered heat from engines and exhaust is used to heaten the Optilicer. This is an important step in the direction of a more sustainable thermal de-licing process, he explains.


The vessel has been through tough testing during the last couple of months and the results are very promising.


 – It truly works!
We have already run the Optilicer on one of our locations and sent 2000 tons of fish through the system. The results are really good, Project Manager Olav Nygård explains.


Optimar wishes the whole crew the best of luck and appreciates yet another innovative project together with Alsaker Fjordbruk. 


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