Optimar becomes member of UN Global Compact
We are pleased to inform that Optimar has become a member of the UN Global Compact organization. We support the Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti – corruption. We are committed to making the UN Global Compact and its principles parts of the strategy, culture and day – to day operations of our company, and to engage in collaborative projects which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals. Optimar will make a clear statement of this commitment to our stakeholders and the general public. Optimar belives there is a strong correlation between long-term profitability and responsible business practices. This attitude is reflected in our company's Environmental, Social - and Governance Standards. Suppliers shall also adhere to these standards. Apart from compliance with regulations, Optimar put emphasis on loyalty, openness and involvment.
Environmental focus in Optimar
Optimar delivers products and solutions that promote sustainable fishery. With a clear focus on product development that reduce waste and enables reuse of resources, Optimar helps the industry to take care of all parts of the fish. The products are also designed for a better environmental footprint such as replacing ammonia with co2 gas in freezers, eliminate chemicals in sealice-removal on farmed fish and lower energy consumption in all products.
Human rights
Optimar supports internationally announced human rights, such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the standards promoted by the International Labor Organization (ILO). We shall ensure that all our activities worldwide are conducted in accordance with these basic human rights standards.
Examples of important human rights related to the business are:
• Freedom of speech.
• Organizational freedom and collective bargaining.
• Labor standards, including e.g. prevention of forced labor, child labor and discrimination.
Optimar is against all forms of corruption and is committed to working actively to ensure that this does not exist in Optimar. Corruption is not tolerated in Optimar and violations will lead to disciplinary action. As a part of this Optimar has developed a guideline for ethical behavior for all employees and management. This guideline helps the organization to make the best and correct decisions in the daily work. Optimar has also implemented a whistleblowing routine to detect unethical behavior in the organization.
Community contribution
Optimar views social contributions as a strength when it comes to taking a positive part in social development and showing responsibility to the communities we belong to. Optimar should be a responsible company and always pay attention to the communities we are part of, including their environment, culture and religion. In particular, we will focus on the important role education and training play as a method of social development and assistance. Optimar supports local initiative and organizations where the main focus areas are, children, culture and physical health.