Optimar is part of a giant leap for Aurora Fisheries in New Zealand
Aurora Fisheries, part of the Solander Group, has signed the contract for an 80-meter long and 15,4-meter wide factory trawler with delivery in the fourth quarter of 2025. Optimar is proud to be a part of this giant leap.
– We are very proud to deliver the complete factory for what might become New Zealand’s most modern factory trawler, says Vice President of Global Sales in Optimar Viggo Brevik.
The factory will have several production lines for various species of fish stored on pallets. It will also include a complete processing plant for surimi. The daily production capacity will be of over 100mt.
In the picture are Sales Engineer Ellen Drønnen from Optimar, Aurora Fisheries owner Paul Hufflett, and Sales Manager Viggo Brevik from Optimar. PHOTO: PRESS PHOTO
Continuing a proud history in New Zealand
Optimar’s history in New Zealand dates back to the factory trawler Amaltal Colombia in 1996. Since then we have been chosen as a supplier for Rehua (1997), Independent (1997), Aorere (1998), Pacific Pride (1998), Purangi (2003), Amaltal Colombia rebuild (2012), and Tokatu (2018).
– We are proud to have won this contract and look forward to expanding our long experience in delivering onboard factories to New Zealand Waters, Brevik states.
Optimar’s deliverables:
- Production lines for various species such as whole Squid, Jack Mackerel, and fillet of Southern Blue Whiting for Surimi
- Complete processing plant for Surimi.
- Complete production line including heading, gutting, weighing, packing, freezing, and palletizing
- Horizontal freezers with a freezing capacity of over 100mt per day
- Optimar Freezer Hotel
- Optimar Compact Palletizer