Optilice up and running in Chile
Optimar is supporting fish farmers by spreading our knowledge and expertise with non-chemical fish treatments in Chile.
We are currently working together with Aquabench / Frasal in testing our newest version of the Optilice in Chile. With Optilice we can remove sea lice without the use of chemicals. Optilice uses tempered water and a combination of flushing under and over water-level to remove the parasite sea lice.Today, Chile removes almost all sea lice using chemicals. Optimar wants to be the safe and sustainable alternative to chemicals.
Only five years ago the situation was the same in Norway, and almost every treatment of lice was done with chemicals. A lot has changed in Norway, and Optimar hope to help fish farmers in Chile by removing sea lice by sharing our expertise. Chile is one of our focus areas and an important part of our strategy of Fish Handling with Care.
The plant was installed in the start of 2020, and commissioning and training took place in February and March. Just as we were starting our 6-month pilot phase we were hindered by Covid-19. But because of Optimar and our digital experienced developers and employees Covid-19 was not able to stop this project. Everyone has tried to make the most of it using alternative tools and communication platforms and it has proven to work very well, through remote cooperation between Optimar Norway, Optimar Spain, external consultants and customer team in Chile.
A big part of our success in Chile is the combined efforts between our different sites around the world where Optimar Spain has helped translate all information for the customer and crews in Chile from English to Spanish, thus making it easier for them to operate with their native language.
We have extensive experience in supporting vessels and factories in remote areas all around the globe and all our software engineers have access to the systems we equip our factories with. This is a service Optimar has been providing to our customers for over 10 years. We can help customers by accessing their factories online to remotely monitor their systems, guide the operators in use and assist in troubleshooting.