Sea-lice is a big challenge for the salmon industry, and we continue to work close with our customers to develop good methods of de-licing. Our new Optiflush helps reduce the temperature and secures the welfare of the fish through the process of de-licing.
We are one of the world's leading innovation companies in our field, with this comes great responsibility. Together with our customers and partners we will innovate and continue to create an industry caring for generations to come.
Achieving a good flow in the factory is crucial to get the most out of a vessel’s capacity. With a higher degree of automation you will reduce the wear and tear on the crew as well. Retrofits from Optimar will uncover the adjustments necessary to realize just that.
The mobile containers ensure versatility, and provide seafood companies the opportunity for more operating days. For instance, a fishing trawler can operate as support to aquaculture or other operations out of season.
– Optimar has been a solid partner throughout the project, both the planning, installation and implementation of our factories. If we experienced needs of smaller adjustments along the way, the Optimar team handled it, Jakob Maron Remøy says.
Another year. Another possibility to look back – before embracing new opportunities. As so many of you, we continued our interactions through Teams and didn’t travel much at all. However, we move forward with gratitude and optimism.
Optimar recently signed a significant contract with Orizon in Chile. Orizon is a leading producer of sustainable seafood, and now they have ordered a factory with a high degree of automation from Optimar.
Every minute 15 tons of plastic ends up in the ocean. As a market leader in the fishing industry and a part of the global food chain, it’s our responsibility to create value for the next generations.
The crew on board M/S Fiskenes reached out to Optimar in mid-August. They were in the shipyard for a few more weeks and needed help to optimize their factory. Just a few days later, Optimar’s engineers entered M/S Fiskenes.
Mannskapet om bord på M/S Fiskenes tok kontakt med Optimar i midten av august. De skulle oppholde seg på verftet i noen uker til og trengte hjelp til å optimalisere fabrikken sin. Bare noen få dager senere ankom Optimar sine ingeniører til M/S Fiskenes.
See you at Conxemar in October!
Alsaker Fjordbruk’s new wellboat, Kristoffer Tronds, is delivered. The vessel is 297,6 feet long and the first of its kind to handle transportation, de-licing, heat treatment and sorting of the fish onboard.
After a year in lockdown it’s time to meet the industry physically again and we can’t wait
Optilice de-lices with lukewarm water only – no chemicals or medicines. That’s why it has become a crucial tool in Sinkaberg Hansen’s tool box.
Lean is all about optimizing the people, effort, resources and energy in your organization to create value for the customer.
20 years ago we launched a revolutionary project together with Pelagia Liavåg. The project marked the end of forklifts in cold rooms, and was the first of its kind delivered to the fish industry. The product we’re talking about is the fully automated freezer known as OptiFreeze Blast. Which has been continuously innovated ever since.
Irene V. Mjelde joins our sales team to ensure continuous growth in the global market.
This summer, the new stern trawler Nordbas, owned by Nordnes, was launched at sea. The vessel is 60 meters long and 10 meters wide - and houses several innovative and energy-efficient solutions. The hull itself, on the other hand, is from 1979.
Optimar skal fortsette å lede utviklingen og innovasjonstakten i bransjen, og gjennom det beholde eksisterende og skape nye markeder. Det er med andre ord aldri en kjedelig dag på jobb.
Sammen med rederiet Remøy Management og Fitjar Mekaniske Verft skal Optimar utvikle en 28 meter lang bløggebåt med design og teknologi som vil gjøre det mulig hente fisk daglig. Dette blir også noe så sjelden som en norskprodusert båt.
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