With an efficient receiving area tailored specifically to your trawler, you can prevent fish form discoloration and blood spots by gentle handling
The new 21-metre fishing vessel Josberg, which is equipped for both longline and gillnet fishing, is installed with Mustad autoline and Automatic Longline Hauling System (ALH). The owners' arguments for choosing this solution are quality and sustainability.
May this year, the crew was finally able to board the brand-new long-liner, Geir, with automated fillet and onboard freezing. We spoke with skipper Arild Holmeset about the process and a walk around the new long-liner.
Optimar is supporting fish farmers by spreading our knowledge and expertise with non-chemical fish treatments in Chile.
Many view digitalization as a complex and difficult task, and not least expensive. This is not necessarily the case. With a good digital foundation, you have the opportunity to build technology step by step.
We support the Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti – corruption and are committed to making the UN Global Compact and its principles parts of our strategy, culture and day – to day operations.
For Optimar er Atlanterhavsparken en viktig aktør som vi svært gjerne vil beholde i Ålesund og vi har derfor valgt å gi 100.000 kr til Atlanterhavsparken for å støtte deres videre drift.
Service and Aftermarket in Optimar continues to develop together with our customers and offer 24/7 remote support. Read more about our service and aftermarket offerings.
Volt Service har valgt å satse på bløggebåter og ser mange fordeler med denne metoden for å frakte fisk fra merder til slakteri.
Med fiskevelferd og redusert smitterisiko i mente har Optimar utviklet helautomatiske Stun & Bleed løsninger for små og store fartøy.
Emil og Lars har laget ny teknologi for Optimar
Optimar signs important contract for hightech fish handling factory
Ved hjelp av vannstrømninger i store rør har Optimar utviklet en ny og unik metode for bedre utbløding, nedkjøling og «bufring» av fisk.
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